

Owning a business is challenging in more ways than just making payroll.

The vast majority of business owners have their net worth tied up in their business, with the idea of it producing the needed income as they transition into retirement. That is a double edged sword. As goes the business, so goes the retirement. How different is your life than what you planned in high school, or even a few years ago? It will probably be just as different when you are preparing your Medicare years!

While you are a master of your field, it’s impossible to be excellent in every aspect of your business and things can fall through the cracks. Some of those things are relatively minor, but many can make or break your financial future.

  • Are you maximizing your tax savings for today, and 10 years from now?
  • Do you have a clear exit strategy that addresses various situations?
  • Is your business well prepared for another pandemic shutdown?
  • How are you working with a rising inflation environment?
  • Will your family suffer if you get sued?

We will work with you to develop strategies to bring more stability to your business and protect your greatest asset. Your family.

We will start with a 45 minute conversation at your office to assess your situation.

The next hour conversation will begin to shape our strategies and timeline of implementation.

Our third and subsequent meetings will be to implement clear-cut strategies needed to reinforce the foundations you’ve already set in place. We are here to help you adjust your plans, to keep you on track as life takes turns.

Contact us today for a review.